

公司法人 陈旭军 所属城市 广州市 所属省份 广东省
公司网址 http://www.uniquetruss.com 联系电话 13342874330 联系邮箱 azdzsblyt1h@mscs2006.com
成立时间 2013-06-08 公司类型 有限责任公司 所属行业 电气机械和器材制造业
注册资本 200万人民币 实缴资本 50万人民币 人员规模 小于50人
地址 广州市番禺区石基镇长沙路9号三楼3167


广州品向舞台设备有限公司坐落于广州市番禺区,是一家集设计,制造,销售,租赁各种流动演出展览器材的工厂,主要由市场部(销售部)、设计部,工程部、行政部、财务部,生产部六个部门组成。 品向公司以安全品牌为方向,专业为客户打造优质安全的舞台设备,主要产品有truss架,舞台桁架,铝合金灯光架,龙门架,背景架,音响吊架,雷压架,脚手架,合唱台,活动舞台,玻璃舞台,活动看台,婚庆篷房,展览篷房等演出展览设备。 公司不仅拥有国内外先进的生产模具及校正设备等,而且还拥有一支富有活力和凝聚力的团队。品向公司为客户提供了最安全、最经济、最高效的产品,得到广大客户的认可与信赖。自公司成立以来,我们积极推行ISO9001质量管理体系,以优质的产品,完善周到的服务,为海内外客户朋友服务,不仅满足中国大陆大部分地区的客户要求,并且远销中东,美洲, 欧洲,亚洲,大洋洲,非洲以及台湾、香港地区。 公司理念:精益求精,不断创新,诚信合作,共同进步! 广州品向与每一位客户都在共同进步,期待与您真诚合作,共创辉煌! Unique Performance Equipment Co.,Ltd(“UNIQUE”) is located in Panyu district, Guangzhou, which specializes in design, manufacture, sale and lease various of mobile performance and exhibition equipments.”UNIQUE” consists of marketing department,design department, engineering department, administrative department, finance department and production department. With the direction of Brand Security,“UNIQUE” is professional manufacturer of high quality and safe products. Our main products include many size of aluminum trusses, display truss,speaker truss, layer truss, chorus stage system,aluminum stage, plywood stage, glass stage, seating system, wedding tent, event tent, ect. “UNIQUE” not only has advanced production facilities and technology but also has an energetic and cohesive work team. It provides the most safest, economical and high-efficiency products, which gets most of customers’ recognition and trust. Since UNIQUE founded, we implement the ISO9001 Quality Management System.With high-quality products and thorough service, ”UNIQUE” not only satisfy the customer's requirement in most regions of mainland China, and exported to the Middle East, America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa, Taiwan, Hong Kong,etc.
